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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Rab warns of anti-state propaganda

Rab said yesterday that certain anti-state elements are attempting to disrupt law and order by spreading misinformation and propaganda.
In a press statement issued yesterday, Rab reaffirmed its commitment to a zero-tolerance policy towards militancy and extremism.
“Bangladesh is a country of peace and harmony. People of all races, religions, castes, and political affiliations celebrate festivals and events peacefully. Rab is committed to identifying criminals involved in extremism and taking strict legal action against them,” the statement read.
Rab also emphasised that it is maintaining strict surveillance to ensure that members of militant outfits, who have been released on bail, do not engage in further subversive activities.
“If anyone released on bail becomes involved in criminal or militant activities instead of returning to normal life, Rab will hold them accountable,” the statement added.
